The tone was set on the first few days of trading when the bourse rose to a record high of 46 836 on day one, and then almost immediately dipped by over 1 000 points in the next week. It then took off again to set another record on 23 January of 47 348, only to start an even more spectacular plummet that took it as low as 44 145 in just eight days of consecutive losses.

For many investors in equity unit trusts, this kind of volatility is a scary thing. They see the these swings on the JSE and wonder about how safe their money is.

This is a fair response, because most of us are tuned to value consistency. When we buy a car, for instance, most of us prefer one that is going to perform in a predictable way. Even if a vehicle bolts like a Ferrari one day, it’s not much good if it is only going to choke and splutter and barely get out of the driveway the next.